Board Member Recruitment

Recruiting Board Members Flyer

Please see the one–page overview of why we are recruiting. What we do and what we ask of you.

Board Recruiting Announcement

We seek to add up to four (4) Board Members to increase diversity, including demographic and geographical! We especially seek to add people who work well with people from diverse backgrounds and interests, and who like to learn new skills. The ability to help implement programs would be a strong asset, and we always welcome people who are active in the Menlo Park community already! Read more.

Board Member Application Form

Thank you for your interest in serving our community, via serving on the MPC Ready Board. This would be a good opportunity for people who might be new to Board service and/or those who are looking to advance our mission and aims. We especially welcome current block coordinators to apply. To begin the process, please complete the Online Board Recruitment Form or complete and email the paper application.

Board Working Committees

The MPC Ready Board is a “working board” and board members serve on 1-2 committees, which can include a committee of one. We invite and encourage additional people to serve on a committee. Please visit our Working Committee page to learn more!

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