The volunteer-based, MPC Ready Board of Directors is a “working board.” Board Members take a specific role (or share a role) and serve their community for one-year terms with an opportunity to renew. We welcome non-board members to also serve on a committee. The MPC Ready organization is undergoing a transition due to the retirement of a founding member and leader since 2020. The Bylaws are being reviewed with changes anticipated. The transition is an opportunity to consider a new and improved model for MPC Ready with more collaboration with the City of Menlo Park.
Board Members Role
Please see the Board Member Role Expectations. In general, the time expectations vary from 4-8 hours per month. These depend on the role. Naturally, we understand travel and family requirements.
Board Member Recruitment
The MPC Ready organization is in a transition due to the retirement of a founding member who led the organization since 2020. We seek to add 2-4 new Board members to help steer MPC Ready during 2025 and perhaps beyond! More Details. If you are interested, please apply for a Board role.
Board Member Application
Thank you for your interest in serving our community, via serving on the MPC Ready Board. We especially welcome current block coordinators to apply. To begin the process, please complete the Online Board Recruitment Form. You may also download the paper application and email it to
Collaborative Disaster Management — Selected resources
Research shows that following a disaster, residents will first see their neighbors. Outside help might not arrive for days, weeks, or longer. A focus on preparedness also delivers a greater return on the dollar than does a focus on response. Across our State, County and Country, jurisdictions are increasingly working to establish whole of community collaborative approaches to disaster preparedness.
- FEMA Whole Community Approach to Disaster Preparedness DEFINITION and Guide.
- FEMA Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Guide for Local Governments
- Congressional Research Service: National Preparedness: A summary and Select Issues
- FEMA National Preparedness Goal
- FEMA Local Elected and Appointed Officials Guide: Roles and Resources in Emergency Management
- NFPA 1660 Standard for Emergency, Continuity and Crisis Management: Preparedness, Response and Recovery
- The Ladder of Citizen Participation — Concepts useful for residents to consider when participating in “public engagement” efforts. Link to original article.