Would you like to meet more neighbors? How strong are your neighborhood connections? Healthy relationships with neighbors adds enjoyment to our lives, improves the quality of the neighborhood AND it could save your life life one day! By becoming a Block Coordinator with MPC Ready you can get to know more neighbors, foster social traditions and help your block to become a cohesive and resilient GREAT neighborhood. We want to support you. To begin, please complete our Neighbors Knowing Neighbors survey (if you haven’t yet) and someone will get in touch with you.
Get Socially Connected — Sample Party Flyers
Block Coordinators help to get their blocks socially connected. Getting started can be easier when you tap into national holidays, have a new neighbor or there is some other reason to invite neighbors to gather. The MPC Ready Block Coordinator Welcoming and Support Committee is hard at work. For now, please see some sample party flyers. We plan to revise these so that you can easily modify them to add your specific details.
- Democracy Block Party flyer
- Fall Neighbors Coffee flyer
- Neighborhood Gathering flyer
- National Make a Difference flyer
- Back to School Party flyer
- Halloween Costume Parade & Block Party flyer
- Cookie Exchange Fillable flyer
- Easy Way to Meet Neighbors (tip sheet)
- Resources from: Cupertino and Los Altos PREPARES and the Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare Toolkit and Burlingame Neighborhood Network.
Why get connected?
Knowing our neighbors improves the overall quality of life on our block. Imagine being greeted by name as you see neighbors walk by. Knowing our neighbors also reduces potential crime and adds to our support structure by being able to ask/give simple favors such as keeping an eye out when we travel. Studies also show that knowing our neighbors improves disaster resiliency. We will be the help until outside help arrives, which might not be for 96 hours or longer!
- The Key to Disaster Survival: Friends and Neighbors
Why Get Prepared?
Red Cross Australia: The more prepared people feel in the face of a disaster, the lower their stress level is and the better they recover.